
Petrified Forest - Arizona


Staying true to our belief you must see all you can wherever you live, we trundled off to The Petrified Forest National Park.

What can you say about a huge area of vegetation that is now stone? The colors are amazing and just knowing that this can happen is a bit awe inspiring.

This was also our first glimpse of antelope!

Again, sorry for the poor quality but anything before 2004 will be old slides and photos.

Petrified Forest National Park 05/03/2001

Staying true to our belief you must see all you can wherever you live, we trundled off to The Petrified Forest National Park.

What can you say about a huge area of vegetation that is now stone? The colors are amazing and just knowing that this can happen is a bit awe inspiring.

This was also our first glimpse of antelope!

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Petrified Forest National Park
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You can see the bark on the outside and the minerals inside
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Another great old tree
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Our antelopes
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OK, so we're quite a ways from them but we were thrilled
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Agate House was built by ancient peoples and inhabited sometime between 1050 and 1300
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Agate House
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This raven just followed us for a while
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More rocks
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The famous sliced tree. Looks like a candy roll